5 New Zealand Employment Law Myths: Fact or Fiction

Employment Myths Fact or Fiction

We all have those workmates who will readily give you their takes on employment law over the break room water cooler but are these New Zealand employment law myths fact or fiction? We have compiled a list of several common employment law myths and sat down with one of our advocates to find out if […]

The Power of Workplace Culture: Where Happiness Meets Productivity

Work Place Cullture and productivity

Ah, the workplace! A bustling hive of activity, where dreams are chased, deadlines loom like storm clouds, and the coffee machine holds the secrets to survival. But amidst the chaos of ringing phones and endless emails, there exists something intangible yet immensely powerful: workplace culture. Yes, that elusive blend of camaraderie, shared values, and inside […]

What are my Post-Employment Obligations?

  So, I’ve just left my last job and I’m looking to go out and work for a competitor or work for myself. I don’t owe my last boss anything and can dive straight in, right?    Yeah, nah…    There will be a couple of standard clauses in most employment agreements that you need […]

Navigating Constructive Dismissal in New Zealand: A Simple Guide

constructive dimissal

Let’s dive deeper into the Kiwi way of navigating employment challenges before resigning!   I’ll spill the tea: If you’re planning your great escape and gearing up for a constructive dismissal claim, now is the time to make sure everything is official and in black and white. Constructive dismissal, the act of making a swift […]

Exploring Unjust Disadvantages in Kiwi Workplaces

unjust disadvantages

    Welcome to the whimsical world of employment law, where even the most mundane mishaps can take on a comedic twist. In this light-hearted exploration, we’ll embark on a journey through the curious realm of unjustified disadvantages for employees in New Zealand.     Common things like reduced pay and bullying are known to […]

Casual Employee or Not

casual employee banner

  In the dynamic landscape of employment, New Zealand, like many other countries, embraces various forms of work arrangements to accommodate both employers’ and employees’ needs. One such arrangement is casual employment, which plays a significant role in the country’s workforce. Understanding what constitutes a casual employee in New Zealand is crucial for both employers […]

Diving into 90-Day Trial Periods

You might have heard about something called a “90-day trial period.” What exactly is it, and how does it affect you as an employee?   So, what’s the deal with this 90-day trial period? Well, it’s designed to employers and employees alike the chance to test the waters before committing to a long-term employment arrangement. Think of […]

The Art of Negotiation: Unveiling the Magic of Calderbank Offers


In the realm of legal negotiations, there exists a subtle yet powerful tool that most people will never have heard of.  The Calderbank offer.   Now, you might be wondering, what on Earth is a Calderbank offer and how does it work its magic in the intricate world of New Zealand employment law?     […]

The Do’s & Don’ts of Good Faith

Good Faith

What is Good Faith? : Overview & Common dos and don’ts Because the term “good faith” is so broad, it’s possible it can never truly be explained in writing such as this.   However, this is the start of a series that will try to explain the concept of good faith in practical terms. My […]