Unfairly dismissed?

Over 90% win rate

- Nationwide employee advocacy and advice for all employment issues

- We cover all costs for grievance cases

If you need employment law advice, we can help.
If you are unhappy at work, we can help.
The employer has to get it right, so if you have been fired or forced to quit, we can help.
If you’re undergoing disciplinary action or are going to be made redundant, we can help.

Contact us now for a free, no obligation consultation for any employment issue.

Still not too sure?

Your employer has to get the process and the substance right and prove they have been fair and reasonable.
If you’re not sure, they probably haven’t.
Talk with one of our friendly team members today!

If your employer is treating you unfairly, making your workplace intolerable or you believe you’ve been unfairly dismissed, we want to hear from you. Our caring advocates can help.  You can find out more about your rights and how we help you get justice here…

We know we get results. Over 90% of cases we’ve represented have been a success. We get our clients the money they are owed. That’s why we back our services to you with a no win, no fee promise, including covering any costs incurred until your problem is resolved. Most settlements are also tax free, so you won’t pay tax on any money you receive…

No matter where you live in New Zealand, we’ve got your back. We know employment issues are personally stressful, so you can rely on us for advice, support and help until the issue is completely resolved…

Our team of professionals have decades of experience solving employment problems in New Zealand and overseas. We have representatives with legal qualifications to ensure you’re getting the right advice and the best service…

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Unfair employee dismissal happens all too often and it shouldn't be accepted or tolerated.
We invite you to read the experiences of the people we have helped over the years.